Stating the effect before the cause

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之所以...是因为 (zhī suǒyǐ... shì yīnwèi) can be translated as “the reason why... is because” and can be used if the speaker wishes to state the effect before the cause. It's normally used in somewhat formal speech.


Subject + 之所以 + Effect + 是因为 + Cause


  • 之 所以 去 希腊 是 因为 想 进一步 了解 西方 文明。The reason he went to Greece was because he wanted to further understand Western culture.
  • 少数民族 之 所以 受到 人类学家 的 注意 是 因为 他们 至今 还 保留 着 许多 传统 文化。The reason minorities receive a lot of attention from anthropologists is because they maintain most of their traditional culture up until today.
  • 之所以 能够 追求 精神 上 的 快乐 是 因为 你 已经 有 了 稳定 的 物质 基础。The reason you can pursue spiritual happiness is because you already have a stable material foundation.

See also

Sources and further reading
