Expressing "and then" with "yushi"


于是 is a conjunction used to express a continuation between two events. The second event is the direct result of the first event.


于是 is a conjunction that comes between two clauses. Its closest English equivalent would be "and then." Since 于是 can only be used to talk about the past, 了 is ofter used in the same sentence.

⋯⋯ ,于是 (+ Subj.) ⋯⋯ + 了


  • 我 看 大家 都 买 了 ,于是 我 也 买 I saw everyone was was buying. And then I bought it, too.
  • 昨天 突然 下雨了 ,于是 我们 取消 野餐 的 计划 。It rained yesterday, so we cancelled the picnic.
  • 网站上 的 票 已经 卖 光 了 ,于是 我们 买 黄牛票 。The tickets on the website were sold out. And then we bought the tickets from the scalpers.
  • 他 的 英语 太差 了,于是 ,他 妈妈 给 他 请 一个 英语 家教 。His English is too bad. And then his mother hired an English tutor for him.
  • 她 发现 男朋友 已经 结婚 了 。于是 ,她 马上 跟 他 分手 She found her boyfriend's been married. And she broke up with her.

于是 Used with 就


  • 电影 太 暴力 了 ,我们 实在 看 不 下去 了 ,于是 This movie was so violent and we couldn't bear watching it anymore. And then we left.
  • 他 实在 太 懒 了 ,于是 老板 把 他 辞 He was too lazy and then the boss fired him.

因此 vs. 于是

While they may seem very similar, 因此 is not quite the same as 于是. When using 因此, it acts as a conjunction that expresses the cause and effect. Because of the reasons in clause one, clause two reaches this result or conclusion.

  • “因此”强调的是因果关系;“于是”强调的是后一件事紧接着前一件事发生(顺承),并且后一件事往往是由前一件事引起的。
  • “于是”只能用于叙述过去发生的事情。
  • “因此”比较书面语,“于是”在口语里用得比较多。
  • 他 经常 随便 开玩笑 ,因此 ,大家 都 不 喜欢 跟 他 说话 。He often makes jokes recklessly. Therefore, people doesn't like to talk to him.
  • 他 经常 随便 开玩笑 ,于是 ,大家 都 不 喜欢 跟 他 说话 。He often makes jokes recklessly, so people doesn't like to talk to him.

See also

Sources and further reading
