Expressing result

Revision as of 07:19, 31 May 2013 by Simingjie (talk | contribs)

The following structures that are used to express results in Chinese are organized according to our grammar points by level.

A2 Expressing result

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi" 因为⋯⋯ 所以⋯⋯ 因为 饿 了,所以 吃饭。
Change of state with "le" ⋯⋯了 我 25 岁
Potential complement "-bu dong" for not understanding Verb + 不懂 我 听不
Result complement "-wan" for finishing Verb + 完 (+ 了) 我 说 了。
Result complements "-dao" and "-jian" Verb + 到 / 见 了 吗 ?

B1 Expressing result

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Direction complement "-qilai" Verb / Adj.+ 起来 天气 热 起来
Expressing "until" with "dao" Verb + 到 + Time / Event 我 昨天 晚上 工作 十二 点 半 。
Result complement "-xiaqu" Verb + 下去 这个 故事 太 无聊 了 ,我 听 不 下去
Result complements Verb + 好 / 完 / 错 我们 吃 了 。

B2 Expressing result

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Advanced result complements "zhu", "kai", and "chulai" Verb + 住 / 开 / 出(来) 抓住 那个 小偷 !
Advanced uses of direction complement "-qilai" Verb + 起来 宝宝,你 应该 把 你 的 玩具 起来
Complement "-huai le" Verb + 坏了 了。
Complement "-zhao" Verb + 着 宝宝 刚 睡
Expressing "and then" with "yushi" ⋯⋯ ,于是 ⋯⋯ 他 实在 太 懒 了 ,于是 老板 把 他 辞 了 。
Tricky uses of "dao" Verb + 到 他 做 了 吗 ?