Explaining results with "suoyi"

Just as 因为(yīnwèi) can be used to explain causes, 所以(suǒyǐ) can be used to explain results. This is equivalent to "so therefore. . ." in English.


This structure is a simple statement of "cause and effect".This is similar to expressing cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi", but it leaves out the beginning 因为. This structure is more informal.

Reason ,所以 + Result


  • 汉字 太 难 了,所以 我 不 想 学。Chinese characters are too hard, so I don't want to study them.
  • 他 喝 了 几 瓶 啤酒,所以 他 比较 高兴。He drank a few bottles of beer, so he's happier.
  • 我 生病 了,所以 不 能 上课。I'm sick,so I can't come to class.
  • 他的女朋友下个星期过生日,所以他今天要去买礼物。 His girlfriend‘s birthday is coming next week so he is gonna buy her a birthday present today.
  • 上周末天气不好,所以 我没有去公园。The weather was not so nice so I didn't went to the park last weekend.
  • 你的汉语口语不太好,所以你要多说多练。 Your spoken Chinese is not so good,so you need to practice speaking as much as possible.
  • 我们的公司是外企,所以 公司的里有很多外国人。Our company is a foreign one,so there are a lot of foreigners here.
  • 明天是周末,所以我可以好好休息了。 Tomorrow is the weekend so I can have a good rest then.
  • 我的老师对我很严格,所以 他每天都给我很多作业。My teacher is very strict with me so he gives a lot of homework everyday.
  • 上周我不在上海,所以 你的信我没有收到。I was not in shanghai last week so I didn't receive your letter.

See also

Sources and further reading
