Actions in a row
Similar to
Used for
\r\nLinking actions together in a sentence is very straightforward. There is no new word or phrase needed!\r\n== Structure ==\r\nIn Chinese it's very easy to describe two actions in a row. Simply place one verb phrase after another, in this structure:\r\n
\r\nNo connecting word is needed. A common mistake in the early stages of learning Chinese is to try and link verbs with 和. This is incorrect - 和 can only link nouns. Just place one verb after another.\r\n== Examples ==\r\n
- 我 要 回家 吃饭。I want to go home and eat.
- 他 不 去 图书馆 看书。He does not go to the library and read.
- 我 想 回 家 睡觉。I want to go home and sleep.
- 你 要 去 超市 买 东西 吗?Do you want to go to the supermarket to buy things?
- 你 给 他 打电话 告诉 他 了 吗?What did you tell him when you called him?
- 我 要 打电话 订 位子。I want to call to make the reservation.
- 我 要 上网 买 机票。I use the internet to buy airplane tickets.
- 我 下周 去 越南 旅行。Next week I go to Vietnam to travel.
- 她 的 工作 就 是 买 菜 做 饭。Her job is to buy food and cook.\r\n
\r\nNote that the English translations of these sentences use the word "and", but there is no equivalent to it in Chinese.\r\n==See also==\r\n*Events in quick succession with "yi... jiu"