Combining verbs with "bing"

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并(且)(bìng(qiě)) meaning "moreover" can be used to connect verbs. In this structure the two verbs used are equal to each other with neither being primary or secondary.


Verb/[Verb phrase 1] + 并(且) + Verb/[Verb phrase 2]

Notice that "并且" is used with verbs, unlike "和" which is used with nouns.


Here are some examples:

  • 爸爸 批评 了 我 并且 告诉 我 以后 不 能 说谎。My dad criticized and told me that I cannot lie later on.
  • 我们 需要 的 是 有 丰富 的 工作 经验 并且 懂 得 团队 合作 的 员工。What we need is an enriching working experience and an understanding team of cooperative workers.
  • 你 要 按照 我 说 的 做 并且 要 做 好。I need you to follow and execute my plan of action.
  • 我 通知 了 所有 的 人,并且 准备 了 所有 的 材料。I reminded and informed everyone of the data.
  • 这种 现象 很 常见 并且 会 持续 很 长 时间。This type of phenomenon is very common and can continue for a very long period of time.
  • 控制 饮食 并且 多 运动,会 让 你 的 身材 越来越 好。Controlling your diet and exercising more will cause your figure get better and better.
  • 我 会 帮 你 找到 问题 并且 解决 问题。I can help you find and solve problems.
  • 我 同意 并且 支持 你 的 决定。I agree with and support your decision.
  • 我们 负责 安装 并且 维护 这个 系统。We're in charge of installing and maintaining this system.
  • 你 要 编辑 并且 打印 这 个 文件。You're going to edit and print off this document.

Rarely will a bare verb (rather than a verb phrase) appear both before and after 并且, as in the last example. Where this is the case the sentence will normally take the tone of an imperative, instructing someone to do something. All 并且 can be instead of 并。

See also

Sources and further reading
