Combining verbs with "bing"
Similar to
Used for
并 (bìng) can be used to connect verbs. In this structure the two verbs should be of equal importance.
The verb phrases in the pattern below are often two-syllable verbs, and usually somewhat formal.
In some cases, the two verb phrases on either side of 并 are of equal stress or importance. When 并 means "moreover," however, it can be replaced with 并且.
[Verb Phrase 1] + 并 + [Verb Phrase 2]
Notice that 并且 is used with verbs, unlike 和, which is used mostly with nouns.
Here are some examples:
- 我 同意 并 支持 你 的 决定。I agree with and support your decision.
- 要 继续 保持 并 发扬 优秀 的 民族 传统。We will continue to maintain and carry forward our excellent national traditions.
- 会议 讨论 并 通过 了 今年 的 工作 计划。The meeting discussed and approved the work plan for this year.
- 脱欧 后 , 英国 需要 跟 很 多 国家 进行 贸易 谈判 并 签订 贸易 协议 。Post-Brexit, the U.K. will have to negotiate and sign trade agreements with many countries.
- 当 他们 克服 了 困难 并 获得 成功 以后 , 他们 会 觉得 特别 有 成就感 。When they overcome the difficulties and succeed, they will feel especially accomplished.
- 为了 降低 贫富 差距 , 政府 制定 了 新 的 政策 并 开始 实施 。In order to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, the government formulated new policies and began to implement them.
- 苹果 公司 自从 1980 年 在 科克 开始 运营 , 并 逐步 扩大 规模 。Apple has been operating in Cork since 1980, and has been gradually expanding.
- 我们 会 和 合作 公司 尽快 沟通 并 解决 这 件 事 。We will work with the partner company to resolve this matter as soon as possible.
- 产品 经理 负责 和 工程师 合作 并 制定 产品 策略 。The product manager is responsible for working with the engineers to develop the product strategy.
- 我们 希望 给 客户 提供 最 周到 的 服务 , 想到 并 满足 客户 每 一 个 需求 。We want to provide our customers with the best possible service, and we want to think about and meet their every need.
Note that in some cases the English translation is awkward if we try to keep two actions fully "parallel" rather than sequential.