Explaining results with "suoyi"

Revision as of 07:17, 15 October 2014 by Salome.vergne (talk | contribs)

Just as 因为 (yīnwèi) can be used to explain causes, 所以 (suǒyǐ) can be used to explain results. This is equivalent of "so therefore. . ." in English.


This structure is a simple statement of "cause and effect".This is similar to expressing cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi", but it leaves out the beginning 因为 (yīnwèi). This structure is more informal.

Reason ,所以 + Result


  • 汉字 太 难 了,所以 我 不 想 学。Chinese characters are too hard, so I don't want to study them.
  • 她 很 漂亮,所以 很 多 男 孩子 喜欢 她。She is beautiful, so a lot of boys like her.
  • 我 很 饿,所以 我 要 吃饭。 I am hungry, so I want to eat.
  • 上 个 周末 天气 不 好,所以 我 没有 去 公园。Last weekend the weather was bad, so I didn't go to the park.
  • 他 喝 酒 了,所以 他 高兴。He drank alcohol, so he's happy.
  • 你 的 口语 不 太 好,所以 你 要 多 说。 Your spoken Chinese is not so good, so you need to speak more.
  • 我们 的 公司 有 很 多 外国人,所以 我们 说 英文。There are a lot of foreigners in our company, so we speak English here.
  • 明天 是 周末,所以我 可以 休息。 Tomorrow is the weekend, so I can have a rest.
  • 我 很 想 去 中国,所以 我 要 学习 中文。I want to go to China, so I want to study Chinese.
  • 太 忙 了,所以 没有 给 你 打 电话。I was very busy , so didn't give you a call.

See also

Sources and further reading
