Descriptive complement
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Similar to
Used for
In this article, we take a look at how we use 得 (de) to help describe an action. It is one of the characters that often gets confused with 的 and 地, since they could be pronounced as a neutral tone "de."
Descriptive complements are used to describe the action of a verb. This would be done with an adverb in English.
Verb / Adjective + 得 + Description
- 你 说 得 很 好。You speak very well.
- 他 做 得 很 不 好。He did it poorly.
- 她的 诗 写 得 还不错。She writes good poems.
- 这篇 文章 翻译 得 马马虎虎。This essay wasn't translated that well.
See also
- Using objects with complements
- Adjectival complement "de budeliao"
- Adjectival complement "de hen"
- State complement
Sources and further reading
- Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar (pp. 71-2) →buy
- Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 1 (pp. 179-80) →buy
- Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed) (pp. 172-3, 291) →buy
- Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 1 (pp. 302-4) →buy
- New Practical Chinese Reader 2 (新实用汉语课本2) (pp. 15-6) →buy
- Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide (pp. 191) →buy
- Boya Chinese Elementary Starter 1 (博雅汉语初经起步篇) (pp. 197) →buy
- Practicing HSK Grammar (语法精讲精炼) (pp. 125) →buy
- Contemporary Chinese 2 (当代中文2) (pp. 63) →buy
- New Practical Chinese Reader 3 (新实用汉语课本3) (pp. 99) →buy