Grammar Points Added or Updated for HSK

A small number of grammar points not appearing in previous Chinese Grammar Wiki publications (print books and ebooks) were added in order to fully cover HSK grammar points. They are listed below.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Asking how something is with "zenmeyang" ⋯⋯怎么样? 你 最近 怎么样


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Modifying nouns with phrase + "de" Phrase + 的 + Noun 去 北京 火车。今天 来 人。
Expressing "then" with "jiu" 就 + Verb Phrase 我们 现在 有 时间, 去吧。
Reduplication of measure words MW + MW 个 个 都 很 好。
Modal particle "ne" ⋯⋯呢 ? 我 不 要 回家 。还 早
  • 反问句“不是......吗“ The Rhetorical Question “不是......吗“