Repeated actions in the past with "you"
Similar to
Used for
To emphasize that an action is being repeated again and again, we can place 又 after a verb, then repeat the same verb again.
In the pattern below, 又, together with a repeating verb, indicates that the speaker did something repeatedly (not just twice) in the past. Note that the verb used here must be a single-syllable verb, usually a verb such as 看, 想, 问, 找, or 试. 了 is placed right after the first verb.
Subj. + Verb + 了 + 又 + Verb, 还是 / 就是 ……
Note that "还是" or "就是" is often used to emphasize that "nothing changed" after all.
- 这 个 人 我 看 了又 看,还是 觉得 我 不 认识 他。I looked at him again and again, but I still think I don't know him.
- 我 想 了又 想,还是 觉得 不 能 这样 做 。I thought it over again and again, I think I can't do it like this.
- 他 找了又 找,还是 没 找到 他 的 钱 包。 He searched again and again, and still couldn't find his wallet.
- 他 想了又 想,还是 不 同意。He thought it over again and again, and he still disagrees.
- 我们 问 了 又 问,她 就是 不 说。We asked again and again, but she wouldn't say it.
- 他 试 了 又 试,就是 打 不 开 门。He tried again and again, but he still couldn't open the door.
- 我 尝 了 又 尝,还是 觉得 这些 菜 坏 了。I tasted again and again, but I still think those food has gone bad.
- 他 闻 了 又 闻,还是 什么 都 没 闻到。He smelled again and again, but he still didn't smell anything.
- 这 个 方案 改了又 改,终于 通过 了。This plan was changed again and again, and finally it passed.
- 这 件 衣服 妈妈 洗了又 洗,终于 洗 干净 了。Mother washed this clothing again and again, and it's finally clean.
See also
- Expressing "both A and B" with "you"
- Expressing "again" in the past with "you"
- Comparing "zai" and "you"
- Emphasizing negation with "you"