Property:Resource sort

This is a string that indicates the sorting order for a specific page linked to a resource. It has type text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
47␞HSK Standard Course 4下␞Expressing "since" with "jiran"  +, 267-9␞Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and Intermediate Levels (汉语语法百项讲练 - 初中级)␞Expressing "since" with "jiran"  +, 289-90␞Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 2␞Expressing "since" with "jiran"  +, ,
315␞现代汉语虚词例释␞Expressing "small quantity" with "jiu"  +, 175-6␞Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)␞Expressing "small quantity" with "jiu"  +, 120␞New Practical Chinese Reader 4 (新实用汉语课本4)␞Expressing "small quantity" with "jiu"  +,
266␞Anything Goes (无所不谈)␞Expressing "so-called" with "suowei"  +
␞Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2␞Expressing "some" with "yixie"  +
128␞HSK Standard Course 3␞Expressing "some" with question words  +
76␞HSK Standard Course 2␞Expressing "stop doing" with "bie… le"  +, 83␞现代汉语八百词(增订本)␞Expressing "stop doing" with "bie… le"  +
105-6␞卓越汉语-公司实战篇␞Expressing "stuff like that" with "zhileide"  +
109␞HSK Standard Course 5上␞Expressing "thanks to" with "duokui"  +, 350␞现代汉语词典(第5版)␞Expressing "thanks to" with "duokui"  +
75␞HSK Standard Course 3␞Expressing "the more... the more..." with "yue… yue…"  +
36␞HSK Standard Course 2␞Expressing "then" with "jiu"  +
5␞HSK Standard Course 3␞Expressing "then…" with "name"  +, 104-5␞Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 1 (3rd ed)␞Expressing "then…" with "name"  +, 51-2␞Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 1␞Expressing "then…" with "name"  +, ,
96␞HSK Standard Course 4上␞Expressing "therefore" with "yinci"  +, 29␞New Practical Chinese Reader 5 (新实用汉语课本5)␞Expressing "therefore" with "yinci"  +, 67␞卓越汉语-公司实战篇␞Expressing "therefore" with "yinci"  +,
106␞HSK Standard Course 4上␞Expressing "through" with "tongguo"  +, 123␞卓越汉语-公司实战篇␞Expressing "through" with "tongguo"  +
38␞HSK Standard Course 5上␞Expressing "thus" with "cong'er"  +
70␞HSK Standard Course 4上␞Expressing "to be worth" doing with "zhide"  +, 677-678␞现代汉语八百词␞Expressing "to be worth" doing with "zhide"  +
63, 107, 237␞Anything Goes (无所不谈)␞Expressing "to come from" with "laizi"  +
61␞HSK Standard Course 4下␞Expressing "to make certain" with "qianwan"  +
84, p88␞Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide␞Expressing "together" with "yiqi"  +, 74-5␞Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar␞Expressing "together" with "yiqi"  +, 14-5␞Chinese: An Essential Grammar, Second Edition␞Expressing "together" with "yiqi"  +
101␞HSK Standard Course 2␞Expressing "toward" with "wang"  +
84␞Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide␞Expressing "towards" with "xiang"  +, 214␞Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and Intermediate Levels (汉语语法百项讲练 - 初中级)␞Expressing "towards" with "xiang"  +, 77␞Practicing HSK Grammar (语法精讲精炼)␞Expressing "towards" with "xiang"  +