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You've likely learned long ago that the particle 过 is placed after verbs to indicate a prior experience. In Taiwan (and some areas of mainland China), however, a 有 frequently comes before the verbs as well in spoken Mandarin.
== Completed Verbs ==
== Original Structure ==
In the Chinese language, there are verbs called “completed verbs.” These verbs are usually followed by a compliment, as they are not verbs that are ongoing. This is referring to the past tense.
<div class="jiegou">
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + Verb + 过 + Object
Subject + 有 + Completed Verb + Object
== Taiwanese Version of the Structure ==
<div class="liju">
* 你 <em>有</em> 说 错 这 句 话 。<span class="trans">You said this sentence wrong.</span>
* 老板 <em>有</em> 学 会  上海话 。<span class="trans">The boss studied the Shanghai dialect.</span>
* 我们 <em>有</em> 听 懂 你的 话 。<span class="trans">I understood what you said.</span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 看到 她 跟 你 前男友 在 一起。<span class="trans">I saw her and your ex-boyfriend together.</span>
* 我们 都<em>有</em> 听到 宝宝 哭。<span class="trans">We all heard the baby cry. </span>
Note the addition of the 有 here before the verb.
== Action verbs ==
There are also verbs categorized as “action verbs.” In Taiwanese Mandarin, when 有 is put in front of these verbs, it actually indicates that the verb is still continuing.
<div class="jiegou">
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + 有 + Verb + + Object
Subject + 有 + Action Verb + Object
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em>有</em> 吃 药,可是 感冒 还是 美好 。<span class="trans">I have taken medicine, but my cold hasn’t gotten better. </span>
* 他 <em>有</em> 告诉 我 你的 电话 号码 。<span class="trans">He has told me your phone number. </span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 考虑 你 提的 建议。<span class="trans">I have considered the suggestion you proposed.  </span>
* 她 <em>有</em> 拿 你的 钱 吗?<span class="trans">Has she taken your money? </span>
== Adj. that follow 有 ==
Adjectives can also follow 有. These adjectives are all in the past tense, with a 到 following the adjective.
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + 有 + Adj. +
<div class="liju">
* 第一次 做 这么 多 运动,真的 <em>有</em> 累 到 。<span class="trans">The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired. </span>
* 他 突然 提出 跟 我 分手,我 真的 <em>有</em> 伤 到 。<span class="trans">The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired. </span>
* 在 这里 可以 免费 吃,还 以 免费 住,<em>有</em> 爽 到!<span class="trans">The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired. </span>
* 结婚 前 你 在 二手 市场 买了 那么 多 家具,<em>有</em> 省 到 吗?<span class="trans">The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired. </span>
* 你们 突然 大叫着 跑出来,我 真的<em>有</em> 吓 到!<span class="trans">You guys suddenly came running out screaming loudly. I was so scared! </span>
* 今天 去 了 DisneyLand,真的 <em>有</em> 幸福 到 。<span class="trans">Today I went to Disney Land. I was really happy. </span>
* 这家 店 今天 全场 打一折,我 买了 好 多,<em>有</em> 赚 到。<span class="trans">Everything in this store is 90% off today. I bought a lot. It was so cheap. </span>
== 了 after the verb ==
When adding a 了after the verb, you’re stressing that the action is completed.
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + 有 + V + 了
<div class="liju">
* 我 刚才 <em>有</em>上 厕所 了。<span class="trans">I just now finished using the restaurant. </span>
* 他 <em>有</em> 吃 中饭 了 。<span class="trans">He finished eating lunch. </span>
* 老板 早上<em>有</em> 喝 咖啡 了。<span class="trans">The boss drank coffee this morning. </span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 发 微信 给 你 了。<span class="trans">I already sent you a WeChat. </span>
* 我们 昨晚 <em>有</em> 吵架 了。<span class="trans">We fought last night. </span>
In Beijing Mandarin, this use of the 有 is officially ''incorrect''. It is, however, extremely common in spoken Mandarin in Taiwan and even some neighboring parts of mainland China.
== 过 after the verb ==
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + + Verb + 过 + Object
== Examples ==
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
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* 我 <em>有</em> 用 <strong>过</strong> 电脑,我 会 用。<span class="trans">I have used a computer before, I can use it.</span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 用 <strong>过</strong> 电脑,我 会 用。<span class="trans">I have used a computer before, I can use it.</span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 买 <strong>过</strong> 这里 的 巧克力,不 好吃。<span class="trans">I have bought the chocolate here, it's not good.</span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 买 <strong>过</strong> 这里 的 巧克力,不 好吃。<span class="trans">I have bought the chocolate here, it's not good.</span>
== 在 after 有 ==
In Standard Mandarin, using 在 before a verb is the equivalent to the English –ing. When used with 有 in front of it, it is usually referring to habitual action, or an action that can be stopped. This is not in the past tense, but rather a continuing action.
<div class="jiegou">
Subject + 有 + 在 + V
<div class="liju">
* 那 时候 你 <em>有</em> 在 工作 吗?<span class="trans">At that time, were you working? </span>
* 这家 店 <em>有</em> 在 卖 小孩子的 衣服 吗?<span class="trans">Is this store selling children’s clothes?</span>
* 我 <em>有</em> 考虑 跟 她 分手 。<span class="trans">I am considering breaking up with her. </span>
* 我 妈妈 <em>有</em> 在 吃素 。<span class="trans"> My mom is a vegetarian. </span>
* 你的 学生 <em>有</em> 在 写 日记 吗?<span class="trans"> Do your students write diaries? </span>

Revision as of 10:11, 5 May 2016

Completed Verbs

In the Chinese language, there are verbs called “completed verbs.” These verbs are usually followed by a compliment, as they are not verbs that are ongoing. This is referring to the past tense.

Subject + 有 + Completed Verb + Object

  • 说 错 这 句 话 。You said this sentence wrong.
  • 老板 学 会 上海话 。The boss studied the Shanghai dialect.
  • 我们 听 懂 你的 话 。I understood what you said.
  • 看到 她 跟 你 前男友 在 一起。I saw her and your ex-boyfriend together.
  • 我们 都 听到 宝宝 哭。We all heard the baby cry.

Action verbs

There are also verbs categorized as “action verbs.” In Taiwanese Mandarin, when 有 is put in front of these verbs, it actually indicates that the verb is still continuing.

Subject + 有 + Action Verb + Object

  • 吃 药,可是 感冒 还是 美好 。I have taken medicine, but my cold hasn’t gotten better.
  • 告诉 我 你的 电话 号码 。He has told me your phone number.
  • 考虑 你 提的 建议。I have considered the suggestion you proposed.
  • 拿 你的 钱 吗?Has she taken your money?

Adj. that follow 有

Adjectives can also follow 有. These adjectives are all in the past tense, with a 到 following the adjective.

Subject + 有 + Adj. + 到

  • 第一次 做 这么 多 运动,真的 累 到 。The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired.
  • 他 突然 提出 跟 我 分手,我 真的 伤 到 。The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired.
  • 在 这里 可以 免费 吃,还 以 免费 住, 爽 到!The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired.
  • 结婚 前 你 在 二手 市场 买了 那么 多 家具, 省 到 吗?The first time I exercised so much, I was so tired.
  • 你们 突然 大叫着 跑出来,我 真的 吓 到!You guys suddenly came running out screaming loudly. I was so scared!
  • 今天 去 了 DisneyLand,真的 幸福 到 。Today I went to Disney Land. I was really happy.
  • 这家 店 今天 全场 打一折,我 买了 好 多, 赚 到。Everything in this store is 90% off today. I bought a lot. It was so cheap.

了 after the verb

When adding a 了after the verb, you’re stressing that the action is completed.

Subject + 有 + V + 了

  • 我 刚才 上 厕所 了。I just now finished using the restaurant.
  • 吃 中饭 了 。He finished eating lunch.
  • 老板 早上 喝 咖啡 了。The boss drank coffee this morning.
  • 发 微信 给 你 了。I already sent you a WeChat.
  • 我们 昨晚 吵架 了。We fought last night.

过 after the verb

Subject + 有 + Verb + 过 + Object

  • 中国。I have been to China.
  • 小笼包。He has eaten steamed dumplings.
  • 那 个 人 吗?Have you seen that person before?
  • 这样 的 工作。I have done work like this before.
  • 自己 做 饭 吗?Have you ever cooked for yourself?
  • 中文?Have you ever studied Chinese?
  • 这 个 电影 吗?Have you seen this movie?
  • 这 个 词。I have studied this word.
  • 电脑,我 会 用。I have used a computer before, I can use it.
  • 这里 的 巧克力,不 好吃。I have bought the chocolate here, it's not good.

在 after 有

In Standard Mandarin, using 在 before a verb is the equivalent to the English –ing. When used with 有 in front of it, it is usually referring to habitual action, or an action that can be stopped. This is not in the past tense, but rather a continuing action.

Subject + 有 + 在 + V

  • 那 时候 你 在 工作 吗?At that time, were you working?
  • 这家 店 在 卖 小孩子的 衣服 吗?Is this store selling children’s clothes?
  • 考虑 跟 她 分手 。I am considering breaking up with her.
  • 我 妈妈 在 吃素 。 My mom is a vegetarian.
  • 你的 学生 在 写 日记 吗? Do your students write diaries?

Sources and further reading

