Gram Point Test
- "Could it be that" with "qibushi" (POS: Sentence patterns)
- "In order to avoid" with "yimian" (POS: Conjunctions)
- A softer "but" with "buguo" (POS: Conjunctions)
- ASG5MB5K (POS: Particles)
- ASGAEXSX (POS: Particles)
- ASGOGWGS (POS: Particles)
- ASGTTZNV (POS: Particles)
- Actions in a row (POS: Verbs)
- Adding emphasis with "fei....buke" (POS: Sentence patterns)
- Adjectival complement "de budeliao" (POS: Adjectives)
- Adjectival complement "de hen" (POS: Adjectives)
- Adjectives with "-ji le" (POS: Adjectives)
- Adjectives with "name" and "zheme" (POS: Adverbs with Adjectives)
- Advanced "le" after an object (POS: Particles)
- Advanced "le" with complements (POS: Particles)
- Advanced usages of the contrary "dao" (POS: Adverbs)
- Advanced uses of "dou" (POS: Adverbs)
- Advanced uses of "hai" (POS: Adverbs)
- Advanced uses of "zong" (POS: Adverbs)
- Advanced yes-no questions with "ma" (POS: Particles)
- After a specific time with "yihou" (POS: Nouns)
- Age with "sui" (POS: Numbers)
- An additional step with "jin yi bu" (POS: Adverbs)
- Appearance with "kanqilai" (POS: Verbs)
- Approximating with sequential numbers (POS: Numbers)
- Approximations with "chabuduo" (POS: Adverbs)
- Asking about degree with "duo" (POS: Adverbs with Adjectives)
- Aspect particle "zhe" (POS: Particles)
- Assessing situations with "kanlai" (POS: Adverbs)
- Auxiliary verb "yao" and its multiple meanings (POS: Verbs)
- Basic comparisons with "bi" (POS: Prepositions)
- Basic comparisons with "meiyou" (POS: Verbs)
- Basic comparisons with "yiyang" (POS: Adverbs with Adjectives)
- Before a specific time with "yiqian" (POS: Nouns)
- Big numbers in Chinese (POS: Numbers)
- Causative verbs (POS: Verbs)
- Challenging a verb with "shenme" (POS: Verbs)
- Challenging an adjective with "shenme" (POS: Adjectives)
- Change of state with "le" (POS: Particles)
- Coincidence with "zhenghao" (POS: Adverbs)
- Combining verbs with "bing" (POS: Verbs)
- Comparing specifically with "xiang" (POS: Verbs)
- Comparisons with "biqi" (POS: Verbs)
- Comparisons with "buru" (POS: Verbs)
- Conceding with "ba" (POS: Particles)
- Continuation with "hai" (POS: Adverbs)
- Declaring the only option with "zhihao" (POS: Adverbs)
- Defining upper and lower limits (POS: Prepositional Phrase)
- Directional verbs "lai" and "qu" (POS: Verbs)
- Doing something less with "shao" (POS: Verbs)