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[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HFXR6W0/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00HFXR6W0&linkCode=as2&tag=allset-20 <img border="0" class="alignleft" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00HFXR6W0&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=allset-20" >]
[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HFXR6W0/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00HFXR6W0&linkCode=as2&tag=allset-20 Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League:《卷发公司的案子》] by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a graded reader designed for high-elementary learners of Chinese.
Publisher's description:
Mr. Xie was recently hired by the Curly Haired Company. For a significant weekly allowance, he was required to sit in an office and copy articles from a book, in the meantime his assistant looked after his shop. He had answered an advertisement in the paper and although hundreds of people applied, he was the only one selected because of his very curly hair. When the company unexpectedly closed, Mr. Xie visited Gao Ming (Sherlock Holmes) with this strange story. Gao Ming is certain something is not right, but will he solve the mystery in time?
== Chapter 1 ==
== Chapter 1 ==
* [[Modifying nouns with adjective + "de"]]
* [[Modifying nouns with phrase + "de"]]
* [[Simultaneous tasks with "yibian"]]
* [[Two words for "but"]]
* [[Explaining causes with "yinwei"]]
* [["Would like to" with "xiang"]]
* [[Explaining results with "suoyi"]]
* [[Actions in a row]]
* [[Verb reduplication with "yi"]]
* [[At the time when]]
* [[Result complements "dao" and "jian"]]
* [[Expressing actions in progress]]
* [[Expressing "with" with "gen"]]
* [[Appearance with "kanqilai"]]
* [[Again in the past with "you"]]
* [[Expressing "a little too" with "you dian"]]
* [[The "zui" superlative]]
* [[Adjectives with "name" and "zheme"]]
* [["Never" with "conglai"]]
* [[Expressing experiences with "guo"]]
* [[Expressing completion with "le"]]
* [[Aspect particle "zhe" ]]
* [[Using "dui"]]
* [[Verbing briefly]]
* [["-wan" result complement]]
* [[Expressing "together" with "yiqi"]]
* [["It seems" with "haoxiang"]]
* [["Not very" with "bu tai"]]
* [[Again in the future with "zai"]]
* [[Doing something more with "duo"]]
* [[Suggestions with "ba"]]
* [[Continuation with "hai"]]
* [[Measure words to differentiate]]
* [[Reduplication of adjectives]]
* [[Turning adjectives into adverbs]]
* [[Direction complement]]
* [[Measure words to differentiate]]
* [[Expressing earliness with "jiu"]]
* [[Expressing duration with "le"]]
* [[Softening speech with "ba"]]
* [["Before" in general]]
* [[Using "zai" with verbs]]
* [[Expressing "in addition" with "haiyou"]]
* [["If…, then…" with "ruguo…, jiu…"]]
* [[Expressing "every" with "mei" and "dou"]]
* [[Expressing location with "zai...shang/xia/li"]]
* [[Auxiliary verb "hui" for "will"]]
* [[Expressing existence with "you"]]
* [["Some" using "yixie"]]
* [[Expressing lateness with "cai"]]
* [["Yinggai" for should]]
* [["Always" with "zongshi"]]
* [[Measure words for verbs]]
* [[Change of state with "le"]]
* [[Emphasizing quantity with "dou"]]
* [[Verbs with "gei"]]
* [[Emphasis with "jiu"]]
== Chapter 2 ==
== Chapter 2 ==
* [["Already" with "yijing"]]
* [[Expressing "and" with "he"]]
* [[Auxiliary verb "yao" and its multiple meanings]]
* [["Just now" with "gangcai"]]
* [[Expressing purpose with "weile"]]
* [["Even more" with "geng"]]
* [[Special verbs with "hen"]]
* [[Continuation with "hai"]]
* [[Softening the tone of questions with "ne"]]
* [[Basic comparisons with "yiyang"]]
* [[Causative verbs]]
* [[Expressing "excessively" with "tai"]]
* [[Separable verb]]
* [[After a specific time]]
* [[Uses of "shi... de"]]
* [[Before a specific time]]
== Chapter 3 ==
== Chapter 3 ==
* [["Some" with "youde"]]
* [[Verb reduplication with "yi"]]
* [[To go to a place]]
* [["Just" with "gang"]]
* [["Both A and B" with "you"]]
* [["Not at all"]]
* [[Ordinal numbers with "di"]]
* [[Inability with "mei banfa"]]
* [["In addition" with "zaishuo"]]
* [["All along" with "yizhi"]]
* [[Expressing "more and more" with "yue… yue…"]]
== Chapter 4 ==
== Chapter 4 ==
* [[Expressing "all" with "shenme dou"]]
* [[Using "ji" to mean "several"]]
* [[Mistakenly think that]]
* [["Zai" following verbs]]
* [[Negative commands with "bie"]]
* [[Asking why with "zenme"]]
* [[Sentence-final interjection "a"]]
== Chapter 5 ==
== Chapter 5 ==
* [[Expressing duration (ongoing)]]
== Chapter 6 ==
== Chapter 6 ==
* [[Difficult to do something]]
* [[Indicating a number in excess]]
* [["From… to…" with "cong… dao…"]]
== Chapter 7 ==
== Chapter 7 ==
* [["Ye" and "dou" together]]
* [[Descriptive complements]]
== Chapter 8 ==
== Chapter 8 ==

Latest revision as of 06:41, 8 January 2014

Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League:《卷发公司的案子》 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a graded reader designed for high-elementary learners of Chinese.

Publisher's description:

Mr. Xie was recently hired by the Curly Haired Company. For a significant weekly allowance, he was required to sit in an office and copy articles from a book, in the meantime his assistant looked after his shop. He had answered an advertisement in the paper and although hundreds of people applied, he was the only one selected because of his very curly hair. When the company unexpectedly closed, Mr. Xie visited Gao Ming (Sherlock Holmes) with this strange story. Gao Ming is certain something is not right, but will he solve the mystery in time?

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10